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Shock 4Way 3D is an interesting software application for Windows based systems to display four different desktops. 29 download - Windows 7 - In order to improve your computer's small screen display. Can't uninstall this on Vista - entry remains in Programs and Features. Attempting to uninstall it results in a "Uninstall information file not. By using Shock 4Way 3D you'll see the main desktop in the front side and the other 3 virtual desktop located. CC pointed me to this virtual desktop manager that I thought was eerily similar to Yodm3d which I reviewed a few weeks. WATCH THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY 5JAoXp2vlLw&fmt=18 3d Way Desktop - Vista Flip Effect for Win.
Shock 4Way 3D - This software provides 4 virtual desktops. 29: Shock 4Way 3D is an application that will allow you to work on your computer with four desktops at the same time. Shock 4Way 3D installs a Windows. Shock 4Way 3D - 4 virtual desktops. The way this program arranges the deskto ps.